Self-Assessment Table
A1 and A2 Levels
Listening and Understanding
- A1: I understand words and very simple sentences about myself, my family, and things close and familiar to me, as long as my interlocutors speak slowly and clearly.
- A2: I can understand very frequently used words and expressions about myself, my family, things close and familiar to me, shopping, school, and friends. I can grasp the main point of orally delivered messages and announcements.
Reading and Understanding
- A1: I can understand names, words, and very simple sentences, for example in advertisements, posters, and catalogs.
- A2: I can understand short and very simple texts. I can infer the meaning of information presented in texts such as advertisements, brochures, menus, and timetables. I can understand short and simple personal texts.
- A1: I can communicate if my interlocutor agrees to repeat or simplify their statements and help me express myself. I can ask simple questions about familiar topics or essential needs and answer similar questions.
- A2: I can communicate in simple, familiar tasks requiring a straightforward and direct exchange of information on familiar topics. I can participate in brief exchanges even if I cannot sustain a longer conversation.
Describing and Speaking
- A1: I can use very simple words and phrases to describe myself, my home, and the people I know.
- A2: I can describe my family or other people, my activities, studies, and current or previous job in a few simple sentences.
- A1: I can write a short postcard, e.g., from vacation. I can fill out a simple form with my name, nationality, age, and address.
- A2: I can take notes and convey simple, short messages in writing. I can write a very simple personal letter, e.g., a thank-you note.
B1 and B2 Levels
Listening and Understanding
- B1: I understand information presented in standard language about home, school, work, leisure, etc. I can grasp the main points of most radio or television programs on current affairs or topics of personal interest when spoken relatively slowly and clearly.
- B2: I can understand relatively long speeches and lectures and follow complex arguments if they are on familiar topics. I can understand news programs and most TV shows on contemporary topics. I can understand most films with standard language.
Reading and Understanding
- B1: I can understand texts written in everyday language or related to my work. I can understand descriptions of events, experiences, and wishes in personal letters.
- B2: I can understand articles and texts addressing contemporary issues where the authors adopt a particular viewpoint or argument. I can understand contemporary literary prose.
- B1: I can deal with most situations while traveling in a country where the language is spoken. I can engage in unprepared conversations on familiar topics, such as family, leisure, work, travel, and current events.
- B2: I can communicate spontaneously and naturally to the extent that interacting with native speakers becomes straightforward. I can actively participate in discussions on everyday topics, present my views, and defend them.
Describing and Speaking
- B1: I can narrate events, talk about my experiences, dreams, hopes, and goals. I can briefly explain, provide reasons, express opinions, or outline plans. I can tell a short story, summarize the main plot of a film, and express my reactions.
- B2: I can speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics related to my interests. I can express opinions on current issues and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different options.
- B1: I can write a simple, concise text on familiar or personally interesting topics. I can write a letter describing my personal experiences, feelings, and impressions.
- B2: I can write clear and detailed texts on various topics related to my interests. I can write essays or reports conveying information or expressing arguments for or against a particular point. I can write letters that convey the significance of events and experiences.
C1 and C2 Levels
Listening and Understanding
- C1: I can understand long speeches, even when their structure is unclear or contains implicit meanings. I can follow television programs and films without much effort.
- C2: I have no difficulty understanding spoken language, whether live or via media, even when delivered rapidly. I only need some time to adapt to a new accent.
Reading and Understanding
- C1: I can understand long and complex journalistic or literary texts with varied styles. I can comprehend specialized texts and lengthy technical instructions, even outside my area of expertise.
- C2: I can read effortlessly any text, even highly abstract ones, such as manuals, specialized articles, or literary works.
- C1: I can communicate fluently and spontaneously without searching for expressions. I can effectively use language for social and professional purposes. I can express thoughts and engage with my interlocutors' arguments.
- C2: I can effortlessly participate in any conversation or discussion, using idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms naturally. I can express myself fluently and convey subtle nuances. If I encounter difficulty, I can quickly and skillfully rephrase to avoid drawing attention.
Describing and Speaking
- C1: I can provide clear and detailed descriptions of complex topics, linking ideas, expanding on certain aspects, and concluding appropriately.
- C2: I can articulate clear and structured arguments adapted to the context, concisely and logically presenting topics while reminding listeners of key points.
- C1: I can produce clear and well-structured texts expressing my viewpoints. I can write letters, essays, or reports emphasizing aspects of personal importance, adjusting my style to the recipient.
- C2: I can write clear, fluent texts tailored to specific situational contexts. I can draft letters, reports, or articles on complex topics with clear structure and focus. I can summarise or critically assess academic or literary texts in writing.